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Why You Should Switch to Solar in 2022

Written by Solar Expert | November 30, 2021

Have you been considering switching to solar power but aren’t sure what to expect or if it’s right for you? As with any major investment, it is essential to do your research, ask questions, and understand what you are signing up for. Read the full article to learn more.

Solar panels are a worthy investment with countless benefits economically, financially, and environmentally speaking. To determine if it is right for you, though, check out this helpful solar readiness list. Why consider switching to solar in 2022, though? Here are a few reasons to make the jump.

Emerging technology in the solar sector has been predicted to significantly reduce solar energy costs this next year, with experts claiming the cost of solar will drop another 25% by 2022. This is excellent news for homeowners wanting to install a rooftop solar PV system while reaping the maximum benefits and financial incentives available.

Federal financial incentives are available through the end of 2022 as well, providing a 26% tax credit for installed solar PV systems. A reduced tax credit of 22% can be claimed through the end of 2023 and then expires in 2024, making 2022 truly an optimal time to switch to solar. To determine if you are eligible to claim the federal solar tax credit, visit energy.gov.

With solar energy prices reaching all-time lows and the U.S. Congress extending the ITC expiration date, homeowners have elected to install solar panel systems at startling rates. As a result, job opportunities in the solar installation industry have skyrocketed. This is good news for the industry as the surge in individuals switching to solar allows for more jobs to be created.

Another benefit of the increase in people utilizing solar as their primary energy source is that we can make more significant strides toward protecting the environment and preventing climate change. A recent study found that if half of the world’s rooftops were covered with solar panels, we could meet our annual electricity needs – so are you ready to make the switch? If so, contact us at DFW Solar Electric to get started with a free, no-obligation quote.

Our solar panel installation experts will help you determine if solar is the best energy solution for your home or business. Our solar estimates include:

  • Solar return-on-investment analysis
  • Solar PV system recommendations
  • Available local, state, and federal solar incentives
  • Cost, expenses, and financing options
  • Project timelines
  • Answers to any questions you have

We’ll help you develop a solar energy strategy that keeps the earth green and is affordable too. With DFW Solar Electric, all of your residential and commercial solar needs will be met by our experienced solar professionals. Factors like your energy usage, roof positioning, and budget can be evaluated with a solar expert to determine your solar readiness. Talk to one of our solar experts today at https://www.dfwsolarelectric.com/talk-to-a-solar-expert.


Our Solar Energy Solutions

Are you thinking about a solar panel system for your home or business? Give us a call at 972-827-7651 or click HERE to get a free, no-obligation consultation, and we'll perform a detailed analysis to help you determine which solar panels make sense for you.